We recommend a strategic policy of Verification of Competency (VOC) to our clients. A comprehensive VOC policy will include the regular assessment of both an existing workforce and new employees, identifying any weaknesses or gaps in existing skill certification(s) and to identify opportunities for employee up-skilling.

VOC’s are conducted in a format involving ‘best practice’ demonstrations, short theory and practical assessments. They can be tailored to suit your current project workload and meet individual client needs.

Civil Trained has a team of experienced and fully-accredited Assessors available to undertake VOC’s for your workforce at industry-competitive rates. We are ready to assist you in ensuring that your organisation maintains an efficient, safe and competent workforce with up-to-date skills and best practice knowledge.

We also offer GAP assessments, which is the process of identifying gaps in existing knowledge and skill level skills. Find out more about GAP assessments here

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