Use High Pressure Water Jetting Equipment Training Course

Use High Pressure Water Jetting Equipment


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use high pressure water jetting equipment under the supervision of a competent operator. The job may be to clean, prepare, abrade, cut or demolish concrete, steel or other plant, equipment, vessels or infrastructure.

We offer competitive pricing on all our courses and are happy to negotiate where more than one course or more than one student will be completing the course. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is not available for this course. Discuss this with our support staff prior to beginning the course. Upon completion of the course you will be provided with a Photo identification card detailing your qualifications and a certificate demonstrating a Statement of Attainment (SOA).

Foundation Skills required

This section describes those pre-requisite language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to performance.


Identifies and interprets information from workplace procedures, documentation, legislation and regulations


Uses equipment operating capacity schedule to confirm safe weight load limits

Course Outline

1. Prepare for work

1.1 Review required job details as part of team
1.2 Complete site access and work control requirements
1.3 Identify site hazards and required hazard controls
1.4 Select, check, load and prepare required equipment under supervision
1.5 Participate in toolbox meeting or similar
1.6 Complete pre-work documentation to job requirements

2. Complete on-site preparation

2.1 Confirm correct equipment is at job or site location
2.2 Confirm job location, scope and requirements with supervisor
2.3 Communicate with site authorities and obtain correct work permits as directed
2.4 Read, interpret and follow job-related documentation as directed
2.5 Check that required quantity and quality of water is available
2.6 Check available waste disposal is adequate for all waste generated by job
2.7 Report any deviations from requirements to supervisor
2.8 Recognise and control job and site-specific hazards

3. Set up water jetting job

3.1 Prepare worksite to comply with job, safety and environmental requirements
3.2 Set up and prepare water jetting equipment in accordance with high pressure water jetting standards
3.3 Communicate with other work groups as appropriate to ensure safe and efficient operation
3.4 Establish appropriate means of communication between operators
3.5 Ensure hazard controls and personal protective equipment (PPE) are operational and adequate
3.6 Test emergency shut-off and report need for repair if not functional

4. Undertake water jetting job

4.1 Start up high pressure water jetting equipment as directed
4.2 Communicate with supervisor and any other operators as required by job
4.3 Operate equipment as directed
4.4 Monitor hazards and activate emergency stop as required
4.5 Monitor job, conditions and equipment and maintain agreed real-time visual and verbal communication
4.6 Recognise problems and resolve routine problems

5. Complete water jetting job

5.1 Shut down high pressure water jetting equipment as directed
5.2 Report job completion and any issues or incidents in accordance with site procedures
5.3 Clean job site and equipment and ensure appropriate disposal of all waste
5.4 Complete routine equipment servicing and store items in appropriate location
5.5 Identify and action restock requirements for spares and consumables
5.6 Participate in debrief
5.7 Complete documentation to job requirements

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